Mid Hills Netball Association
Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the MHNA help center. We have pulled some of the most frequently asked questions from our members and compiled them all into one place.
Should you have any other questions that we may have missed, don’t hesitate to contact us.
What do we do if we have to Forfeit our game?
Before 8:00am on the day of the match (5pm on Friday evening matches) you must notify all of the following:
Opposing Club (See Club contact list for details)
Umpire Allocations Officer (See Association contacts page for details)
Secretary/Manager (See Association contacts page for details)
Failure to provide proper notice will result in a fine.
If the fine is not paid within 7 days, there will be a loss of points.
Refer to Rules & By-Laws for details
Who selects the best player each team?
Coaches for 15&U , 13 &U, 11 &U grades choose the best player for their OWN team for inclusion in the Courier Newspaper.
9 & U teams do not select best players.
All other grades (17 &U and Seniors) are chosen by the OPPOSITION team.
The Best players are indicated on the score card with an asterix (*) next to their surname
Do we have to write a Courier report?
Courier Reports must be done after completion of the match,
by the HOME team for all minor rounds,
and the WINNING team in finals
and submitted to the Press Secretary by the following day - Sunday at 4:00pm.
You can request a photocopy of the scorecard from the Recording officer / Office Manager to assist with write-ups.
Fines apply for non-submission for some grades.
Please refer to Rules & By-Laws for details.
Please make sure Courier Reports
Are a true reflection of the game
Tell a story of the game not just a list of players
Do not name players of one team only
Only mention weather conditions where it affected the game
Be fair, report on the other team in a fashion you would like to be described
Where possible if naming a player include club and position
Any reports that are unfairly bias or criticise an umpire, player or official will be disregarded at the Press Secretary's discretion.
What if we are running late?
Games must commence on time.
If a team is not ready to play, this may result in a forfeit.
Taped fingernails shall not be permitted, and no additional time shall be allowed for cutting nails, removal of earings , jewellery or pins.
All pierced earrings and jewellery MUST BE REMOVED.
Wedding ring and medical bracelet may be worn, but must be taped.
Official Rules of Netball state: "No adornment that can endanger player safety shall be worn."
This may include visible and unseen piercings and includes safety to all players, including the player wearing the piercing/s.
​What if our umpire cannot umpire our match?
Umpires who are rostered to umpire, but cannot do so, must advise their Club Rep before the day they are required, so that a substitute can be arranged.
Failure to do this, and not provide an umpire, will result in a fine.
Refer to Rules & By-Laws for details
Who is responsible for the official score card
Home clubs are responsible for ensuring the White Official score card is completed and each team has an umpire form before the commencement of the match.